Coffee with Frank on Digital Vehicle Inspections from Bolt On Technology
Q: WHAT'S YOUR GO-TO COFFEE DRINK? A: I typically go with Almond Joy creamer in place of the sugar. Q: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO GET COFFEE? A: 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts. Usually 7-11, I have the app and it’s $1 per cup any size. After 7 cups you get one free. Can’t beat that . Q: WHAT BROUGHT ABOUT THE CREATION OF THE BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY DIGITAL INSPECTION? A : It was early 2013 and The Bolt On Team was wondering how we could bring a great shop experience to the drop off customer. Spending so much time in shops ourselves, we knew a shop was more likely to sell a service if they could physically show the customer (walk them out in the bay). This was easy and a best practice for someone who was a waiter. We asked ourselves how do we do that for the drop off customer? So, we built Mobile Manager our DVI platform. This platform immediately changed how a customer viewed a shop. We removed the friction between the shop and cus...