Elysian Auto Service: BG Engine Services


Elysian Auto Service: BG Engine Services

Last week we introduced you to BG Products and talked a little bit about who they are. Today I want to introduce you to some of their products/services. BG Products offers multiple engine services. A majority of their products are created to improve performance and clean up deposits. 

BG Engine Performance Restoration: EPR removes deposits from piston rings and passageways. It helps restore compression, power, and fuel economy. This should be done especially if you accidentally went over your oil change interval. Going over oil change intervals means the oil becomes dirtier and creates more deposits. EPR will help to clean up the deposits left behind from the dirty oil.

BG Advanced Formula MOA: This is added with new oil, it keeps piston rings from sticking. It helps to stabilize oil viscosity and reduce wear. It also will help prevent sludge. This should be done at every oil change to maintain protection. MOA will maximize your oil, especially over longer intervals. 

BG Platinum 44K: 44K is often used with EPR and MOA. 44K can be used in all Gasoline Direct and Petroleum Direct Injection fuel systems. This is a professional grade fuel system cleaner, it helps to remove built-up deposits. If you are noticing reduced fuel economy this is a service you might want to give a try. It restores engine power and performance, and also reduces harmful emissions. 

BG Products does a ton of testing and studies on their products and they are proven to be effective. We are proud to offer their products and services, if you are experiencing any engine performance issues or seem to constantly be “burning” oil then you might want to try one of these services to help clean up deposits and restore your vehicle back to its original performance.


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